Home > Conferences > Des Moines Anarchist/Libertarian Socialist Conference in 1976

Des Moines Anarchist/Libertarian Socialist Conference in 1976

From Anarcho-Syndicalist Review’s Anarchism in America Part 2

Also in 1976 a group of anarchists and libertarian marxists in Des Moines, Iowa, sponsored a “Continental Organizing and Communications Conference” with an eye towards forming a federation of anarchist and libertarian socialist groups. The hosts, however, made the tactical error of developing an agenda and position paper to present to the conference. Used to gatherings at which participants more-or-less spontaneously developed their own agenda, anarchists strenuously objected to what they considered to be the host’s attempts to control what went on at the conference. The Marxist tone of the host’s perspectives also alienated many participants. In the end, the conference, which attracted perhaps 100 or so participants, ended in failure.

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